Clip driver into installation position. 将驱动装置卡入安装位置。
The sturdy tie clip allows the microphone to be easily attached in position, secure, worry free and out of the way. 在坚固的领带夹允许麦克风容易重视的位置,安全,担心自由进出的方式。
It takes an input ( flexible) vertex which has properties like position, normal, color, texture co-ordinates and outputs the vertex in the CLIP space. 它由输入(定)点的属性:象坐标、线、色、理坐标,然后输出置向CLIP空间的顶点。
Lock Tite chest clip helps position harness straps for optimal performance. It's super-strong and curved for a comfortable fit. 胸扣使肩带能调节到最佳的位置,它超级坚固并弯曲成舒适的形状。